Creating CSV File

I'd like to write help of Web Server function.

Contents in a Zip File

contacts.csv csv file - Please make the file name contacts.csv surely.
xxxxxx.jpg Image files - Only necessary numbers
Please put all files on the route of zip.


Sample of zip file

It is a sample of a Zip File.
The content is sample data in the App that is the preset.
Please refer the data when you create.
Download : |

How to write CSV file

Data registered in BizCards is described by CSV.
Please delimit by the comma.

The first line specifies items for a header.
Please input your necessary items referring to the following.
Since a second line, input registering data.
Please input by one line one person.

Further, header items are distinguished between capital letters and small letters.
The file is named contacts.csv, always.

Items can be used only once

Items Notes
First First Name
Last Last Name
Middle Middle Name
Prefix prefix
Suffix Suffix
Nickname Nickname
FirstP First name's Pronunciation
LastP Last name's Pronunciation
MiddleP Middle name's Pronunciation
Organization Company Name
JobTitle Managerial Position
Department Department
Note Note
image Image file name of cards *Not put the folder pass and etc.
image2 The backside image file name of cards

Items can be used two or more times

Changing parts of "xxx", you can use these two or more times.
Items Value of "xxx"
Address_xxx_Street work, home, other, main
Address_xxx_City work, home, other, main
Address_xxx_State work, home, other, main
Address_xxx_ZIP work, home, other, main
Address_xxx_Country work, home, other, main
Phone_xxx work, home, other, mobile, iPhone,
homefax, workfax, main
Email_xxx work, home, other, main
URL_xxx work, home, other, main, homepage


First,Last,FirstP,LastP,Organization,JobTitle,Phone_work,Phone_workfax,Email_work,Address_work_Street,Address_work_City,Address_work_State,Address_work_ZIP,URL_work,image Susannah,Hopkins,,,Alex Orange Inc.,auditor,000 539-4999,000 539-4998,,1230,YorkAvenue,NewYork,,,06.jpg Dolly,Williams,,,Colin Banana Inc.,Chief Learning Officer,000 145-4988,,,833 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia,PA,19107,,07.jpg Gonzalo,Cook,,,Fiona Peach Inc.,outside director,000 487-5798,000-487-7599,,1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,Northwest Washington,DC,20006,,08.jpg Hanna,Clark,,,Julia Grape Inc.,Purchasing Department,000 487-4878,000 487 4879,,1200 Park Avenue,California,,94608,,09.jpg Angela,Burton,,,Paula Strawberry Inc.,Public Relations Department,000 458-4824,000-458-4825,,417 S.King St,Honoruru,HI,,,10.jpg