I'd like to write help of Web Server function.
contacts.csv | csv file - Please make the file name contacts.csv surely. |
xxxxxx.jpg | Image files - Only necessary numbers |
It is a sample of a Zip File.
The content is sample data in the App that is the preset.
Please refer the data when you create.
Download : sample_en.zip | blank.zip
Items | Notes |
First | First Name |
Last | Last Name |
Middle | Middle Name |
Prefix | prefix |
Suffix | Suffix |
Nickname | Nickname |
FirstP | First name's Pronunciation |
LastP | Last name's Pronunciation |
MiddleP | Middle name's Pronunciation |
Organization | Company Name |
JobTitle | Managerial Position |
Department | Department |
Note | Note |
image | Image file name of cards *Not put the folder pass and etc. |
image2 | The backside image file name of cards |
Items | Value of "xxx" |
Address_xxx_Street | work, home, other, main |
Address_xxx_City | work, home, other, main |
Address_xxx_State | work, home, other, main |
Address_xxx_ZIP | work, home, other, main |
Address_xxx_Country | work, home, other, main |
Phone_xxx | work, home, other, mobile, iPhone, homefax, workfax, main |
Email_xxx | work, home, other, main |
URL_xxx | work, home, other, main, homepage |
Susannah,Hopkins,,,Alex Orange Inc.,auditor,000 539-4999,000 539-4998,sue@sample.com,1230,YorkAvenue,NewYork,,http://www.sample.com,06.jpg
Dolly,Williams,,,Colin Banana Inc.,Chief Learning Officer,000 145-4988,,dolly@sample.com,833 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia,PA,19107,,07.jpg
Gonzalo,Cook,,,Fiona Peach Inc.,outside director,000 487-5798,000-487-7599,gc@sample.com,1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,Northwest Washington,DC,20006,http://sample.com,08.jpg
Hanna,Clark,,,Julia Grape Inc.,Purchasing Department,000 487-4878,000 487 4879,lookup@sample.com,1200 Park Avenue,California,,94608,http://www.sample.com/,09.jpg
Angela,Burton,,,Paula Strawberry Inc.,Public Relations Department,000 458-4824,000-458-4825,angela@sample.com,417 S.King St,Honoruru,HI,,http://www.sample.com,10.jpg